Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Years Resolution

My work ethic in Art class for the last couple years has not been very good.  In class i was very distracted and quite frankly most of the time i was not doing alot of work.  Outside of class was not better, i  catagorized my artwork as homework that i didnt like and eventually i slipped into a stage where I dreaded doing art work. This should have never happened because i really do like art.  Over winter break i was able to dedicate several days working on my pieces.  In that short amount of time i was able to get into my art more than i have been since my eighth grade.   I want to continue to be productive and work on art pieces that are not only assignments.

1 comment:

  1. Just going to say you are doing a fantastic job! :D you have a amazing style of work, and its so original. Keep up the really good work!! :]
